
Victrix vs warlord hoplite shield size
Victrix vs warlord hoplite shield size

įresco of a Macedonian soldier wielding a spear and wearing a kausia, from the tomb of Agios Athanasios, Thessaloniki, Greece Equipment Įach phalangite carried as his primary weapon a sarissa, a double-pointed pike over 6 m (18 ft) in length, weighing about 6.6 kg (14.5 pounds). During Alexander's campaign, the phalanx remained more or less the same, with the notable difference being more non-Macedonian soldiers among the ranks. Philip also increased the amount of training required for the infantry and introduced regulations on military behaviour. Philip called the soldiers in the phalanx pezhetairoi, meaning "foot-companions", bolstering the importance of the phalanx to the king. The phalanx was later changed to a 16-by-16 formation, and while the date for this change is still unknown, it occurred before 331 under Philip's rule. The first phalanx was a 10-by-10 square with very few experienced troops. Philip's military reforms were a new approach to the current hoplite warfare which focused on their shield, the aspis his focus was on a new weapon, the sarissa. Philip II was a hostage in Thebes for much of his youth (367–360), where he witnessed the combat tactics of the general Epaminondas, which then influenced his restructuring of the infantry.

victrix vs warlord hoplite shield size

In 359 BC, following the Macedonian defeat by the Illyrians, which killed the majority of Macedonia's army and King Perdiccas III of Macedon, Perdiccas' brother Philip II took the throne. During the Macedonian Wars against the Roman Republic (214–148 BC), the phalanx appeared obsolete against the more manoeuvrable Roman legions. The Macedonian phalanx model then spread throughout the Hellenistic world, where it became the standard battle formation for pitched battles. It was famously commanded by Philip's son Alexander the Great during his conquest of the Achaemenid Empire between 334 and 323 BC.

victrix vs warlord hoplite shield size

The Macedonian phalanx ( Greek: Μακεδονική φάλαγξ) was an infantry formation developed by Philip II from the classical Greek phalanx, of which the main innovation was the use of the sarissa, a 6-metre pike.

#Victrix vs warlord hoplite shield size full#

Drawing of a full 256-man phalanx formation

Victrix vs warlord hoplite shield size